Revolt: Foucault in Iran | READINGS

Primary Readings

Michel Foucault on the Iranian Revolution: essays in the Corriere della Sera
and other writings:

Table of contents for the Italian, French, and English versions, prepared by Francesco Guercio (for Italian readings), Daniele Lorenzini (for French readings) and Shai Gortler (for English readings):


Date In Italian Italian source In French French source In English English source
 1978 Dialogue between Michel Foucault and Baqir Parham Afary & Anderson pp. 183-189
09/28/78 L’esercito, quando la terra trema Corriere della sera (CdS) – reprinted in Taccuino persiano, 1998, pp. 13-20 L’armée, quand la terre tremble D&E #241 The Army—When the Earth Quakes Afary & Anderson pp. 189-194
10/1/78 Lo Scià ha cento anni di ritardo CdS/TP, pp. 21-7 Le chah a cent ans de retard D&E #243 The Shah is a Hundred Years Behind the Times Afary & Anderson pp. 194-198
10/8/78 Teheran: la fede contro lo Scià CdS/TP, pp. 29-34 Téhéran: La foi contre le chah D&E #244 Tehran: Faith against the Shah Afary & Anderson pp. 198-203
10/22/78 Ritorno al Profeta CdS/TP. pp. 35-41 A quoi rêvent les Iraniens (slightly different from Italian) D&E #245 What are the Iranians Dreaming about? Afary & Anderson pp. 203-209
 1978 An Iranian Women Writes (by Atoussa H.) Afary & Anderson pp. 209-210
11/13/78 Réponse à une lectrice iranienne D&E #251 Foucault’s response to Atoussa H. Afary & Anderson p. 210
11/5/78 Una rivolta con le mani nude CdS/TP, pp. 43-6 Une révolte à mains nues D&E #248 A Revolt with Bare Hands Afary & Anderson pp. 210-213
11/7/78 Sfida all’opposizione CdS/TP, pp. 47-9 Défi à l’opposition D&E #249 The Challenge to the Opposition Afary & Anderson pp. 213-215
11/19/78 La rivolta dell’Iran corre sui nastri delle minicassette CdS/TP, pp. 51-5 La révolte iranienne se propage sur les rubans des cassettes D&E #252 The Revolt in Iran Spreads on Cassette Tapes Afary & Anderson pp. 216-220
11/26/78 Il mitico capo della rivolta iraniana CdS/TP, pp. 56-60 Le chef mythique de la révolte de l’Iran D&E #253 The Mythical Leader of the Iranian Revolt Afary & Anderson pp. 220-223
2/26/79 Una polveriera chiamata Islam CdS/TP, pp. 61-6 Une poudrière appelée islam D&E #261 A Powder Keg Called Islam Afary & Anderson pp. 239-241
3/26/79  Michel Foucault et l’Iran  D&E #262 Foucault’s Response to Claudie and Jacques Broyelle Afary & Anderson pp. 249-250
1979 L’esprit d’un monde sans esprit D&E #259 Iran: The Spirit of a World without Spirit (Foucault’s Conversation with Claire Brière and Pierre Blanchet) Afary & Anderson pp. 250-260
4/14/79 Lettera aperta a Mehdi Bazargan TP, pp. 67-71

(in Le Nouvel Observateur, n. 753, p. 46)

Lettre ouverte à Mehdi Bazargan D&E #265 Open Letter to Mehdi Bazargan James Fabion ed., Essential Works of Foucault: Power, pp. 439-442


5/11/79 Sollevarsi è inutile? Archivio Foucault 3 1978-1985 – Estetica dell’esistenza, etica, politica – a cura di A. Pandolfi, Feltrinelli, pp. 132-36 Inutile de se soulever? D&E #269 Useless to Revolt? James Fabion ed., Essential Works of Foucault: Power, pp. 449-453


08/79 Entretien avec Michel
Foucault (par Farès
There Can’t Be Societies without Uprisings (Interview with Farès Sassine)


Arabic version + commentary: link

Trans. by Alex Feldman in Foucault and the Making of Subjects, ed. Daniele Lorenzini (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016), pp. 25-51


Additional Readings

Behrooz Tamari-Ghabrizi, Foucault in Iran. Islamic Revolution After the Enlightenment. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016.

Janet Afary and Kevin B. Anderson, Foucault and the Iranian Revolution. Gender and the Seductions of Islamism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2005.