Chile Adopts New Climate Change Framework Law: A Paradigm Shift

On June 13, 2022, Chile published its Climate Change Framework Law (“the Climate Act”). The Climate Act includes a binding goal of net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest, following the recommendations of the IPCC. It creates regulatory instruments, a new crosscutting governance, and opportunities for public participation. The Climate Act also creates important challenges and opportunities for Chile’s private sector. This blog explores these elements and how they imply a paradigm shift in Chilean climate governance, becoming a leader in Latin America for climate action.

Electric Resilience Toolkit: A Compilation of Resources to Enhance Climate Resilience Planning by Electric Utilities

This post was co-authored by the Sabin Center’s Romany Webb and Noha Haggag and Michael Panfil of Environmental Defense Fund. Columbia Law School’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), and the Initiative on Climate Risk and Resilience Law today released an Electric Resilience Toolkit to support […]

Guest Post: Climate Litigation in Japan: Citizens’ Attempts for the Coal Phase-Out

By Yumeno Grace Nishikawa, LLM* The Supreme Court of Japan may soon weigh in on a growing field of climate litigation in Japan against coal-fired power plants. On May 6, 2022, the Citizens’ Committee on the Kobe Coal-Fired Power Plant filed an appeal to Japan’s Supreme Court in Citizens’ Committee […]

Matthew Eisenson Joins the Sabin Center as Renewable Energy Legal Defense Initiative Fellow

We are thrilled to welcome Matthew Eisenson to the Sabin Center, where his work will focus on leading and expanding the Renewable Energy Legal Defense Initiative (RELDI), which uses legal research and engagement to support siting utility- and community-scale renewable energy facilities and associated transmission and storage equipment. Before joining the Sabin […]

Removing Carbon Dioxide Through Artificial Upwelling and Downwelling: Legal Challenges and Opportunities

  In a report published last month, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that, to keep global average temperatures within 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels, greenhouse gas emissions must reach net zero by mid-century. According to the IPCC, to achieve net zero emissions, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) will be […]

New Sabin Center White Paper Recommends Legal Steps to Help New Jersey Meet GHG Reduction & Environmental Justice Goals

In a new white paper, we analyze New Jersey’s implementation gap in both the climate and justice space and offer some key recommendations to align executive action with the state’s bold promises. The paper’s findings and recommendations are potentially applicable to the many other states who have set climate and justice goals without robustly embedding them into their existing legal and administrative landscapes.

Incorporating Climate Change in NEPA Reviews: Recommendations for Reform

  On April 20, 2022, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) finalized revisions to the regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The revisions undo changes made to the regulations during the Trump administration, which critics alleged could prevent federal agencies’ considering climate change in NEPA reviews. […]