Energy Resilience

2 posts

Guest Blog: Connecting Data Centers to the Grid: An Innovative and Controversial Proposal from AEP Ohio

Concerns about the growth in data centers and the associated increases in power demand have received substantial press coverage. As the scale of the burden that data centers impose on the electricity grid becomes clearer to the public, more and more people are asking the unavoidable question: who will pay […]

The Electric Grid and Its Regulators—FERC and State Public Utility Commissions, a New Chapter in the Sabin Center’s Handbook, Legal Tools For Climate Adaptation Advocacy

Payal Nanavati Columbia Law School Class of ‘17 Climate change has already begun to force elements of the electric grid to operate in conditions materially different from those for which they were designed. Persistent high temperatures, heavy or reduced precipitation, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise can all affect grid […]