
139 posts

Spain’s New Environmental Impact Assessment Law Implicitly Covers Climate Change

by Professor Teresa Parejo Navaja, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Royal Legislative Decree number 1/2008, of 11th January, adopting the revised text of the Impact Assessment of projects Law (RTIAL) gathers, in one single act, for the sake of the principle of legal certainty (though the RTIAL has already been amended […]

In Sandy’s Wake, CCCL and Supporters Petition New York PSC to Require Utility Hazard Mitigation Plans

A coalition of energy, environmental and community interest organizations, led by Center for Climate Change Law, filed a formal petition with the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) requesting that the commission use its regulatory authority to require all utility companies within its jurisdiction to prepare and implement comprehensive natural […]

WMO’s 2012 Greenhouse Gas Bulletin points to increased growth rates for atmospheric concentrations

By Stephanie Chuffart, Visiting Fellow. On Nov. 19, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released its annual Greenhouse Bulletin on atmospheric concentrations. While atmospheric concentrations of these gases are expected to rise each year, the alarming feature of the report is that it shows that the rate of growth in carbon […]