Romuald Fonkoua


© Sophie Bassouls

Romuald Fonkoua is a Doctor in Contemporary Literature of the University of Lille III and directs research at the University of the Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III. He is also professor of Francophone literature at the University of Strasbourg, where he has taught French literature Institute since 2007. He also teaches French literature, cinema, and culture at Middlebury College.

He previously (1992-2004) was a literature lecturer at Cergy-Pontoise University, where he helped create the Center of Humanities (1992) before serving as deputy director of the Department of Modern Letters and as Director of the DEA LLCC (Literature, Languages, Cultures and Civilizations).

He is member of several academic societies in France (SFLGC), Europe and the USA across the fields of French literature and comparative literature; and the author of numerous articles published in various national and international journals and several books devoted to the history, poetry, and Francophone institutions.