Antonio Pele is a professor at the Law School of PUC-Rio University and a critical theorist. He has previously taught at the Carlos III university of Madrid and was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Chicago at the “Pozen Family Center for Human Rights”. Antonio Pele’s scholarship intersects Michel Foucault’s work, the history of human rights and continental philosophy. At PUC-Rio, he is teaching Human Rights and Critical Theory. He has been a long time participant in these 13/13 seminars. He has published three books on the history of human dignity and co-edited last year (2018) a book in Portuguese, Human Rights and Neoliberalism: Dangerous Relations (Direitos Humanos e Neoliberalismo: Ligações Perigosas. Rio de Janeiro: Edition Lumen Juris). He is currently working on monograph project on “Human Dignity From a Foucauldian Perspective.”