2 posts

New Sabin Center White Paper Recommends Legal Steps to Help New Jersey Meet GHG Reduction & Environmental Justice Goals

In a new white paper, we analyze New Jersey’s implementation gap in both the climate and justice space and offer some key recommendations to align executive action with the state’s bold promises. The paper’s findings and recommendations are potentially applicable to the many other states who have set climate and justice goals without robustly embedding them into their existing legal and administrative landscapes.

WMO’s 2012 Greenhouse Gas Bulletin points to increased growth rates for atmospheric concentrations

By Stephanie Chuffart, Visiting Fellow. On Nov. 19, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released its annual Greenhouse Bulletin on atmospheric concentrations. While atmospheric concentrations of these gases are expected to rise each year, the alarming feature of the report is that it shows that the rate of growth in carbon […]