Ninth Circuit Vacates NIETC Designations in Calif. Wilderness Coalition v. Dept of Energy

by Bahrad Sokhansanj J.D. Candidate, Columbia Law School On February 1, 2011, a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated a landmark Department of Energy (DOE) electricity transmission Congestion Study, together with the agency’s designation of the Mid-Atlantic and Southwest National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETCs). […]

The Climate Battle Continues: Two Senate Bills Seek to Block EPA Regulation of Greenhouse Gases

By Julia Ciardullo Fellow With the 112th Congress now in session, Senators from both parties have already introduced legislation that would block EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse gases (GHGs).  This post addresses two of the most notable examples: First, on January 31, 2011, Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) introduced the “Defending […]

The Showdown in New Mexico: State Cap-and-Trade Regulations Survive a Hostile Administration

Gregory E. Wannier Deputy Director One result of the 2010 midterm elections was the replacement of several climate-receptive state governors with more skeptical administrations in governor mansions around the country.  As a result, the continuation of many state and regional climate activities has been thrown into question.  Nowhere is that […]