Fossil Fuels

11 posts

Offshore Drilling Rig, Santa Barbara, CA, 6 December, 2011. Wikimedia Commons User TheConduqtor, CC3.0

Enforcing Legacy Environmental Liabilities for Offshore Oil and Gas Infrastructure

The Sabin Center’s newest publication, Enforcing Legacy Environmental Liabilities on the Outer Continental Shelf, examines legal strategies to hold the former owners of offshore oil and gas infrastructure, like rigs, wells, and pipelines, liable for the costs of “decommissioning” their facilities—plugging wells, removing offshore installations, and generally making the site […]

Sabin Center Files Two Amicus Briefs Supporting EPA’s 2024 Power Plant Rules

Today, the Sabin Center filed two amicus briefs—one on behalf of the National League of Cities and the U.S. Conference of Mayors, and a second on behalf of experts in carbon capture and storage (CCS) science and technology—in support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in West Virginia v. […]

To Protect New Fossil Fuel Waste Rule, BLM Cuts 95% of its Climate Benefits

In November of 2022, when the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (“BLM”) proposed new rules  to control venting, flaring, and leaks from oil and gas leases on federal land (the “Fossil Fuel Waste Rule”), they noted that these leasing rules would have an enormous ancillary climate benefit. […]

State “Climate Superfund” Bills: What You Need to Know

In the first months of 2024, legislators in four states—Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and Vermont—have pushed for legislation that would collectively require large fossil fuel producers and refiners to pay for hundreds of billions of dollars of state-level climate adaptation infrastructure. E&E News reports that similar legislation may soon be […]

Transferred Emissions Are Still Emissions: Sabin Center and Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment launch report on the empirical emissions impacts of fossil fuel asset sales by oil supermajors

On Tuesday, May 9, the Sabin Center and the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment launched Transferred Emissions are Still Emissions: Why Fossil Fuel Asset Sales Need Enhanced Transparency and Carbon Accounting. The increased atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) is driving global climate change on […]

Pipelines and Climate Change: New Cases on FERC’s Obligation to Assess Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions in NEPA Reviews

By Jessica Wentz and Michael Burger Last year, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a key decision on the scope of greenhouse gas emission impacts that must be considered by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in environmental reviews of pipeline projects. In Sierra Club v. FERC, No. 16-1329 […]