
283 posts

Completion of the Clean Energy Investment U.S. – India Project

The Center for Climate Change Law has completed the Clean Energy Investment US-India Project. The project aimed to ease the path for U.S. investors and solar and other renewable energy equipment manufacturers to access the Indian market. So far, investment in this expanding market has been limited by high transaction […]

Federal Regulatory Barriers to Grid-Deployed Energy Storage

by  Andrew H. Meyer Until recently, the most advanced form of grid-deployed energy storage involved pumping water up a hill.  But newer storage technologies like flywheels and chemical batteries have recently achieved technological maturity and are well into successful pilot stages and, in some cases, commercial operation.  If widely adopted […]

WTO Appellate Body finds Ontario’s renewable energy program violates international trade rules

On May 6, 2013, the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO)’s dispute settlement system held that Ontario’s feed-in tariff (FIT) program to support renewable energy development was inconsistent with Canada’s international trade obligations.  The decision confirmed the conclusion reached by the dispute settlement panel which first ruled on […]

Pennsylvania sells thousands of home energy efficiency loans on secondary market

In early March 2013 the Pennsylvania Treasury announced that it had sold approximately 4,700 loans made through its Keystone Home Energy Loan Program.  In exchange for the loans, the Treasury received $23 million in cash and $8.3 million in deferred payments, for a total sale value of $31.3 million.  The […]

President Obama’s proposed Energy Security Trust and reducing the dependence of US cars on gasoline

On March 15, 2013, President Obama formally announced his plan to create an “Energy Security Trust” to promote research and development of clean energy technologies.  The Trust was first mentioned by President Obama in his State of the Union address earlier this year, but he had not elaborated on the […]

Up to 80% of the EU energy efficiency investments do not fulfill their original purpose

Teresa Parejo Navajas Professor of Law Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) Mr. Harald Wögerbauer, Member of the European Court of the Auditors (ECA), recently gave a press conference outlining the results of the ECA special report on energy efficiency in the EU. The Court found that the projects selected […]

Digest of Hydraulic Fracturing Cases

            CCCL has published a Hydraulic Fracturing Litigation Digest that summarizes litigation with underlying claims stemming from the hydraulic fracturing process and  provides an index of the cases organized by central legal issues. The Digest is structured to provide a view of litigation in each relevant State as well as […]