by Ross Wolfarth JD Candidate, 2012 On July 27, 2011, the House Transportation Committee Subcommittee on Aviation held a contentious hearing on the European Union’s plan to incorporate aviation into its CO2 cap-and-trade plan, known as the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). Beginning in 2012, the EU will require airlines to […]
Gregory E. Wannier Deputy Director [Reposted with permission from China Dialogue: available at] In December 2008, a series of swells coinciding with seasonal high (“king”) tide engulfed the island atoll of Majuro, capital of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. These waves […]
by Narayan Subramanian Legal Intern, Center for Climate Change Law In the last few years, private companies in Australia have been increasingly scrutinized for misrepresenting the environmental credentials of their products and services in their marketing campaigns, also known as false green advertising, or “greenwashing.” The charge has been led […]
by Kennan Zhong Legal Intern, Center for Climate Change Law On June 6, 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its latest comments and rating on the State Department’s Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) for the Keystone XL project, a major new oil pipeline being developed by Transcanada, a […]
by Amy Ward LLM, Columbia Law School New working paper available for download. Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) is considered in many circles a critical technological development that may make a significant contribution to future climate change mitigation efforts by reducing CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants. China is implementing CCS […]
The last day of the conference began with a panel that analyzed the adaptation needs and strategies for threatened islands. Professor Klaus Jacob of Columbia University presented a risk assessment model using the variables of hazards, assets, and vulnerability. He outlined two approaches to the model: 1) using loss estimates […]
Day 2 of the Threatened Islands Conference focused on the displacement, resettlement, and migration issues that will inevitably ensue from global climate change. The first panel, moderated by Professor John Van Dyke of the University of Hawaii Law School, focused on the larger themes of resettlement and migration. Professor Brad […]
The Threatened Island Nations commenced this morning co-chaired by Professor Michael Gerrard (Director of the Columbia Center for Climate Change Law) and Ambassador Phillip Muller (Republic of the Marshall Islands). Gerrard provided a brief introduction about the inspiration for the conference and thanked the Earth Institute at Columbia University, World […]