Energy Efficiency

60 posts

Provisions on Natural Gas Vehicles and Plug-in Electric Vehicles in Senate Oil Spill Bill

by Marne Sussman The newly-introduced Senate oil spill response bill, entitled “Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act of 2010”, gives scant coverage to energy issues. Division B of the proposed legislation, on clean transportation, is one of only two sections that address clean energy and/or energy efficiency.  The […]

Achieving Fast Mitigation: Comparing KL and WM

By Jessica Wentz   The Kerry-Lieberman (KL) bill discusses additional mitigation strategies in Title VII, Subtitle C: “Achieving Fast Mitigation”, including pages 533-618. This subtitle contains provisions for addressing non-CO2 climate forcers, including hydrofluorocarbons (§§ 2201, 619), black carbon (§§ 2211-2214, 805, 795), and methane (§ 2221). It also requires […]