Out of the Fire and Into the Frying Pan: Congress Passes a Final Continuing Resolution for Fiscal Year 2011

By: Danielle Sugarman On Thursday, April 14, Congress approved a bipartisan agreement that will fund the government through the end of the fiscal year. The trillion-dollar continuing resolution (CR) passed the House on a 260-167 vote, with 108 Democrats and 59 Republicans in opposition, before moving to an 81-19 approval […]

AEP v. Connecticut: The Reply Briefs

by Daniel Firger Associate Director On April 11, 2011, petitioners in American Electric Power v. Connecticut, five private investor-owned utility companies, filed their reply brief. On the same day, the Solicitor General filed a separate reply brief on behalf of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), an electric utility owned by the federal government, as respondent […]

Early Clean Air Act Greenhouse Gas Permitting Decisions Offer a Preview of EPA’s Implementation Strategy

Gregory E. Wannier Deputy Director In the secondary round of activity regulating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from stationary sources, EPA has sought to establish permitting programs under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) section of the Clean Air Act, in conjunction with individual states through their State Implementation Plans (SIPs).  […]