Bangladesh Argues for ICJ Hearing on Climate Change Damages

[youtube][/youtube] Al Jazeera English reported on efforts by Bangladesh and other small island nations to petition the UN General Assembly to request a hearing by the International Court of Justice on accountability for climate change. Bangladesh views an ICJ decision as a way to hold industrialized nations accountable for damages […]

New Zealand Court Dismisses Legal Attack By Climate Skeptics on Climate Data

The High Court of New Zealand has dismissed an application for judicial review of climate data published by a government-owned research institute.  The challenge was brought by the New Zealand Climate Science Education Trust, which is affiliated with the NZ Climate Science Coalition, a group whose website states that they are “concerned at […]

Ruling Clarifies Obligations of EU Member States on Biofuels Legislation

By Stephanie Chuffart, Visiting fellow On July 19, Advocate General Kokott[1] delivered an important Opinion clarifying EU Member States’ obligations in legislating with regard to biofuels, and in particular in establishing biofuels quotas.[2] According to the Opinion, biofuels quotas are only justifiable if they meet the five strict cumulative sustainability […]

State Public Utility Commissions Have Many Tools to Promote Energy Efficiency, Columbia Law Study Shows, but Progress Still Lags

State public utility commissions (PUCs) could make major progress toward achieving energy efficiency if they utilized the tools available to them, according to a study released August 14 by Columbia Law School’s Center for Climate Change Law. The report, “Public Utilities Commissions & Energy Efficiency: A Handbook of Legal & Regulatory Tools […]

New CCCL Working Paper: Responses to Insurer Climate Risk Disclosure Surveys for the 2011 Reporting Year

by Irene Shulman, Intern Climate change has the potential to affect the availability and affordability of insurance across most major insurance categories. Regulation changes, resource cost and availability, and frequency of natural disasters will impact both insurers and policyholders, and thus, are important factors to assess. The National Association of […]