News & Events

52 posts

Can Fossil Fuel Companies Be Held Liable for Climate Change?

by Justin Gundlach We know that burning fossil fuels is the main cause of anthropogenic climate change, and that climate change is the source of adverse impacts on communities and even regional and national economies. Those impacts—sometimes irksome, sometimes devastating—are increasingly obvious, and the causal mechanisms that connect them to […]

Former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy Looks to the Courts, Businesses, and Citizens to Protect Our Climate

By Dena Adler Former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy delivered the third David Sive Memorial Lecture on Environmental Law at Columbia Law School on Thursday, September 28. Sharing her thoughts on “The Present and Future of the EPA,” she sharply critiqued the actions of Scott Pruitt’s EPA as illegal and without scientific […]

Sabin Center Recognized by American Bar Association for Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Protection

Columbia Law School’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law was honored on August 13 by the American Bar Association (ABA) this weekend with the Distinguished Achievement in Environmental Law and Policy Award in recognition of its outstanding contributions to environmental protection and sustainable development efforts in the United States. The […]

A Right to Fossil Fuels? Pressure Mounts for Developing Countries to Leave Fossil Fuels in the Ground

Last week saw the opening of the 71st session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. In his inaugural address, incoming General Assembly President Peter Thompson declared that the session would focus on advancing the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted in September 2015. The SDGs form part of the […]

Should the Government Impose a Climate Change Impacts Fee on Federal Coal Leases? New Working Paper Presents the Legal and Policy Rationales for This Measure

In a new working paper, Executive Director Michael Burger presents a “Mitigation-Based Rationale for Incorporating a Climate Change Impacts Fee into the Federal Coal Leasing Program.” The paper makes several key points about the rationale for introducing such a fee, most notably, that the federal government has a duty to […]