Climate Litigation

252 posts

The Huaraz Case (Lluiya v. RWE) – German Court opens Recourse to Climate Law Suit against Big CO2-Emitter

By Dr. Will Frank [1] Editor’s note: Lluiya v. RWE, now pending in the courts of Germany, is a noteworthy litigation concerning the potential liability of greenhouse gas emitters for the damages caused by climate change.  The blog below presents an analysis of the case from the point of view of a […]

Can Fossil Fuel Companies Be Held Liable for Climate Change?

by Justin Gundlach We know that burning fossil fuels is the main cause of anthropogenic climate change, and that climate change is the source of adverse impacts on communities and even regional and national economies. Those impacts—sometimes irksome, sometimes devastating—are increasingly obvious, and the causal mechanisms that connect them to […]

Arizona Appeals Court Vacates Ruling Against Climate Scientists, and Rules that Protections for Scientific Research Must Be Considered

On September 14, the Arizona Court of Appeals, Division II, ruled that a trial court decision to release climate scientists’ emails had improperly ignored an Arizona statutory protection for university records.  In this case, the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (“E&E Legal”) has been attempting to use open records laws […]

Hurricanes’ Contaminated Floodwaters Might Crest Next Wave of Climate Change Litigation

By Dena Adler It has been widely reported that Hurricanes Harvey and Irma inundated industrial plants, wastewater treatment plants, and Superfund sites, causing a stew of toxic chemicals and sewage to leak into floodwaters and releasing almost 1 million pounds of seven deadly pollutants into the air. The Union of […]

Fossil Fuel Projects and NEPA Reviews: Two New Decisions on the Proper Scope of Analysis for Indirect and Cumulative Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By Jessica Wentz This week, federal courts issued decisions on two cases involving questions pertaining to the scope of environmental review for fossil fuel production and transportation projects. Among other things, these cases examined the extent to which agencies had complied with obligations under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) […]