Environment & Land Use

207 posts

Will New Litigation Pressure Energy & Industrial Infrastructure to Prepare for Climate Change?

By Dena Adler The escalating costs of damages from extreme weather events, many exacerbated by climate change, makes poignant a question with a serious price tag: who will be on the hook to pay for climate damages? In 2018, a host of lawsuits wound their way through the courts seeking […]

California Adopts CEQA Guidelines Aimed at Improving Consideration of GHG Emissions and Climate Change Impacts in Environmental Reviews

By Jessica Wentz On December 28, 2018, California adopted comprehensive amendments to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, which include a suite of provisions aimed at improving the analysis of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate change impacts in state environmental reviews. These provisions touch on both climate change […]

Four Important Points About EPA’s Revised New Source Performance Standards for Electric Generating Units

By Jessica Wentz and Romany Webb On Thursday, December 6, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published proposed revisions to its New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for electric utility generating units (2015 NSPS). The proposal affects new, modified, and reconstructed fossil fuel-fired steam generating units, most of which use coal to […]

International Processes Consider Importance of Climate-Induced Migration and Displacement

By Ama Francis After years of struggling to identify and address the needs of people compelled to move in the context of climate change, the international community is poised to affirmatively recognize the relevance of climate-induced migration and displacement.* Over the next week, world leaders are gathering in Marrakech, Morocco […]

Preparing the Electricity System for Future Hurricanes and Other Extreme Weather Events

By Romany Webb Two days after making landfall in the Florida Panhandle, Hurricane Michael has now moved out to sea, leaving behind damage that could take years to repair. In Florida’s Mexico Beach, where Michael first hit as a category four storm, entire blocks of homes and businesses have been […]

Proposed Amendments to Endangered Species Act Regulations Could Curtail Protections for Species Imperiled by Climate Change

By Jessica Wentz In July, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and NOAA Marine Fisheries (NMFS) issued a sweeping proposal to amend key provisions of the Endangered Species Act (ESA), including provisions pertaining to listing decisions, critical habitat designations, and interagency consultations. Much has already been written about how […]

Five Important Points About EPA’s Revised New Source Performance Standards for the Oil and Gas Industry

By Romany Webb On Tuesday, September 11, EPA published proposed revisions to its New Source Performance Standards (2016 standards) for new and modified sources in the oil and natural gas sector. The standards, which were finalized in June 2016, formed a central plank of the Obama administration’s strategy for reducing […]

Local Governments Move to Join Litigation to Support Federal Clean Car Standards

Today, the Sabin Center filed a motion on behalf of a nationwide local government coalition for leave to participate as amici curiae in the lawsuit challenging the first action undertaken by the Trump administration to roll back the greenhouse gas emission and fuel economy standards established for light duty vehicles (“clean […]