By: Daniel P. Selmi* Visiting Scholar, Sabin Center for Climate Change Law and Fritz B. Burns Professor of Law, Loyola Law School In an emphatic opinion, a state appellate court has invalidated the environmental impact report for the first “sustainable communities strategy” prepared by a regional council of government in […]
Adaptation & Resilience
Jennifer M. Klein, Esq. Associate Director & Fellow The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) recently directed a company seeking to build a natural gas facility to submit information regarding potential climate change impacts on the facility. FERC’s instructions come after the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law (“SCCCL”) submitted letters […]
Jennifer M. Klein, Esq. Associate Director & Fellow Sea level rise is a “pervasive and increasing threat” and should be evaluated as infrastructure projects are built or modified along San Francisco’s shorelines, according to Guidance adopted by San Francisco’s Capital Planning Committee (CPC) on September 22. San Francisco, bordered by […]
Jennifer M. Klein, Esq. Associate Director & Fellow Sea level rise and associated increases in flooding and storm surge should be considered in connection with two planned liquefied natural gas facilities proposed to be built on the coasts of Maine and Louisiana, according to letters submitted today by the Sabin […]
Jennifer M. Klein, Esq. Associate Director & Fellow On Monday the Department of Defense (DOD) issued a report describing its plan to adapt to the impacts of Climate Change. The DOD views climate change as an immediate threat based on its potential to undermine the capacity of military installations and […]
Jennifer M. Klein, Esq. Associate Director & Fellow The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recently finalized a rule regarding the storage of highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel at individual power plants beyond the duration of each plant’s operating license. The NRC’s Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) for the rule addressed potential climate […]
On September 19, the George Washington University Law School, Society for Risk Analysis, USDA Risk Forum and Environmental Law Institute co-hosted a workshop on the role of adaptive management in government decision-making. Representatives from federal agencies, civil society organizations and academic institutions gathered to discuss some of the key barriers […]
By Isabelle Aubrun, CCCL Intern (Brown University) In 2013, President Obama’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force devised the Rebuild by Design Competition. Applicants were to design a “fundable and implementable” infrastructure project to mitigate the dangers of rising sea levels and increasingly frequent extreme weather events in New York and […]