
283 posts

Study on the TVA Highlights the Importance of Including Energy Efficiency in Long-term Utility Planning

by Shelley Welton, Deputy Director In October, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released an interesting though little-noted report on the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) energy efficiency and capital expenditures planning.  The report does an excellent job of illustrating how even commendable efforts at energy efficiency can fall short if a […]

The Air Quality vs. Electricity Grid Reliability Debate

By Shelley Welton, Deputy Director An ongoing battle over the potential tensions between air quality regulations and electric grid reliability has picked up steam recently, as two EPA air pollution regulations near the implementation phase: the cross-state air-pollution rule and the mercury and air toxics standard. Congressional Republicans and many […]

EIA Study Examines Climate Benefits and Costs of a U.S. Clean Energy Standard

By Adam Riedel, Associate Director The U.S. Energy Information Administration has just published a new study, commissioned by Representative Ralph Hall (R-TX), Chairman of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology, examining the climate and financial impacts of pursuing a national “clean energy standard” (CES).[1]   Hall specified the structure of […]

CCCL Publishes Draft Small-Scale Solar Siting Ordinance

Columbia Law School’s Center for Climate Change Law (CCCL) has prepared a first draft of a model small-scale solar-siting ordinance.   The model ordinance offers a framework that can enable municipalities to implement and enforce the effective and efficient use of solar energy resources. The ordinance would govern all new solar […]