
283 posts

Measuring the Carbon Footprint of Flying First Class

By Yan Gu, Summer Intern and Masters in Climate & Society Student Along with the automobile industry, the aviation industry has recently been more closely concerned with climate change than ever before. On a global scale, however, the soaring number of flights is counteracting the industry’s efforts to increase aircraft […]

Implications of a Revised, Higher Estimate of the Social Cost of Carbon

By Ifeoma Anunkor, Summer Legal Intern Carbon pollution harms the economy much more than the federal government previously estimated, according to the Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Carbon. While researchers continue to look for ways to reduce carbon emissions without harming the economy, the new guidance on the […]

International Energy Agency Releases New Climate Report with Four Policy Recommendations

by Fiona Kinniburgh On June 10th, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released a World Energy Outlook Special Report, “Redrawing the Energy-Climate Map” in which they seek to bring climate change back to the forefront of policy agendas worldwide.  The report proposes specific changes within the energy sector necessary to achieve […]

The new Spanish Law for the protection (or not?) of the coast against the effects of climate change

Teresa Parejo Professor of Law Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) Spain has recently adopted a potentially promising reform to its coastal law to update it in response to climate change threats. However, a close read suggests that the reform contains contradictions that illuminate a less-public minded purpose behind the […]

GHG Protocol Releases New Corporate GHG Reporting Standard

by Fiona Kinniburgh In April 2013, the GHG Protocol, a partnership between the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, released new guidelines to account for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in both upstream and downstream corporate activities. Previously, GHG Protocol developed and published guidelines for Scope […]

New CCCL Report: The Opportunities for and Hurdles to Combined Heat and Power in New York City

by Alexis Saba A new report by the Columbia Center for Climate Change Law and Columbia University’s Modi Research Group explores the technical and legal landscape for combined heat and power in New York City.  Also known as CHP or cogeneration, combined heat and power is the simultaneous production of […]