Shelley Welton

61 posts

New CCCL White Paper: Encouraging Energy Efficiency through the Clean Air Act

by Moneen Nasmith Energy efficiency measures provide tremendous opportunities for achieving effective and cost-friendly reductions in the emissions of greenhouse gases. In the absence of more comprehensive legislative efforts, proponents of energy efficiency projects can look to existing environmental laws for tools to promote and encourage energy efficiency and conservation. […]

Up to 80% of the EU energy efficiency investments do not fulfill their original purpose

Teresa Parejo Navajas Professor of Law Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) Mr. Harald Wögerbauer, Member of the European Court of the Auditors (ECA), recently gave a press conference outlining the results of the ECA special report on energy efficiency in the EU. The Court found that the projects selected […]

Ruling Clarifies Obligations of EU Member States on Biofuels Legislation

By Stephanie Chuffart, Visiting fellow On July 19, Advocate General Kokott[1] delivered an important Opinion clarifying EU Member States’ obligations in legislating with regard to biofuels, and in particular in establishing biofuels quotas.[2] According to the Opinion, biofuels quotas are only justifiable if they meet the five strict cumulative sustainability […]