Romany Webb

87 posts

Administrator Pruitt’s War on Science: Is the EPA’s Science Advisory Board Next in the Firing Line?

By Romany Webb The Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) made headlines last weekend when the agency fired at least five academics from its Science Advisory Board (“SAB”). A spokesman for Administrator Scott Pruitt told the media that he is considering replacing the fired academics with industry representatives as he “believes we […]

New Sabin Center Report Finds NYISO Could Price Carbon in Wholesale Electricity Markets

by Romany Webb and Justin Gundlach There has been much talk in recent weeks about pricing carbon to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Earlier this month, a group of former Republican cabinet members proposed adoption of a nationwide carbon price, starting at $40 per ton. That seems unlikely, however. Even the […]

Is EPA Required to Ensure the Accuracy of its Website? The Information Quality Act Says Yes

There has been much talk in recent days about government control of information, particularly information relating to climate change. On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Times reported that the Trump Administration had instructed officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) not to post on social media, or speak to journalists. This […]