New: Adaptation Resource Database

The Sabin Center has introduced a new item to our collection of legal resources – a compilation of Legal Resources for Climate Change Adaptation.

The new page includes information about specific legal provisions that could be interpreted as requiring consideration of climate change-related risks, articles discussing the nature of legal obligations to adapt, and resources to facilitate adaptation planning efforts undertaken by government and private actors. It is intended as a complement to our Handbook of Adaptation Advocacy Strategies and other publications on the topic of adaptation. Some of the topics covered include:

•  Federal laws that can be interpreted as requiring the federal government or private actors to prepare for and mitigate risks related to climate change

•  Common law doctrines that can be used to compel government actors to prepare for and mitigate risks related to climate change

•  The role of local land use and planning laws in climate change adaptation

•  The role of building codes in climate change adaptation

•  The extent to which contractual, fiduciary and professional obligations entail obligations related to the disclosure and/or mitigation of climate change-related risks

Our faculty director Michael Gerrard has also published a book that contains a more in-depth analysis of many of these legal issues: The Law of Adaptation to Climate Change: U.S. and International Aspects (Michael B. Gerrard & Katrina F. Kuh, eds., ABA 2012).

For questions about or submissions to the adaptation resources page, please contact Jessica Wentz,

For an overview of all of the Sabin Center’s online resources, click here.

For an overview of our work on adaptation law, click here.