Dave Markell Joins Sabin Center as Visiting Scholar

dmarkellWe are pleased to announce that Dave Markell, the Steven M. Goldstein Professor at Florida State University School of Law, is joining the Sabin Center as our second David Sive Visiting Scholar. (Dan Selmi from Loyola Law School – Los Angeles was with us last spring, as our inaugural Visiting Scholar.) Dave will spend the month of October at the Center, while on research leave from his position in Tallahassee. A prolific and highly regarded scholar, Dave will work on identifying opportunities to promote adaptation and resilience that the State of Florida and its local governments might consider, including possible law reform. The project dovetails nicely with our own work developing adaptation plans for three Florida municipalities, in partnership with the consulting firm Dewberry Inc. We are looking forward to having Dave with us, and to working with him over the coming month.

As a reminder: The Visiting Scholar position is accepts applications on a rolling basis from legal scholars, practitioners and government officials in environmental, energy and natural resources law interested in joining us for a sabbatical semester, summer or other short-term visit. Further details are available here.