Call for Papers: The Sabin Colloquium on Innovative Environmental Law Scholarship

CLSThe Center for Climate Change Law is excited to announce that Columbia Law School will host the second  Sabin Colloquium on Innovative Environmental Law Scholarship on May 8-9, 2014.   This Colloquium will allow junior environmental law scholars to present early-stage work and receive constructive feedback from a panel of senior scholars and from each other. Eligible applicants are pre-tenure professors, fellows, visiting assistant professors, and other junior scholars in similar academic positions.  Papers on environmental law, energy law, natural resources law or water law are eligible.

The panel will select the proposals for discussion based on the degree of innovation they exhibit, the extent to which they point toward practical solutions to environmental problems, and whether, based on the scholarly and analytical quality of the proposals, they are likely to lead to high-quality work products.

To enter, please submit a cover letter, an outline or concept paper of 5 -15 double-spaced pages, and a C.V. to by March 7.  If an article has already been drafted, please just submit a summary of no more than 15 pages.  Footnotes are not expected.  Articles that have already been accepted for publication are not eligible. This event is for early-stage work that can still be significantly shaped by the discussion at the Colloquium.

Authors of selected papers will be notified by March 30.  All Colloquium participants will be expected to participate in the full program (the afternoon and evening of May 8, and all day on May 9) and to read and comment on each others’ proposals.  Thanks to the generosity of Andrew Sabin, the travel costs of all participants will be reimbursed.

Selection panel:
Michael Gerrard — Columbia Law School
Richard Lazarus — Harvard Law School
Ann Powers — Pace Law School
Richard Revesz — New York University Law School
Michael Vandenbergh — Vanderbilt Law School