President Nasheed of Maldives Coming to Columbia March 29

After years as a political prisoner, Mohamed Nasheed was elected President of the Republic of the Maldives in 2008 in the first democratic election in that Indian Ocean nation’s history. Trained as a marine scientist, President Nasheed emerged as one of the leading voices of small island nations threatened by sea level rise and climate change. He was forced out of office in February 2012 in what may have been a coup orchestrated by the repressive forces he defeated in 2008.

President Nasheed is coming to New York for the premier of a  film about him, THE ISLAND PRESIDENT, which will be showing in theaters across the country. He will give an address and answer questions at Columbia University on Thursday, March 29, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, in Low Library (116th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam). The event is open to the public without charge but advance registration is required. To register, follow the instructions located on our website.    

This event is hosted by Columbia Law School’s Center for Climate Change Law and is co-sponsored by The Earth Institute of Columbia University; the Environmental and International Environmental Law Committees of the New York City Bar Association; Yale Environmental Law Association; Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy; and Bard MBA in Sustainability.