
3 posts

‘Greenwashing by omission? Comparing Repsol Cases in Spain and the UK’

Introduction There has been a common question emerging in recent greenwashing cases across Europe: to what extent must companies provide a holistic impression of their business in their advertisements? Companies that highlight only the sustainable or ‘green’ parts of their businesses have come under fire from consumers, NGOs and rival […]

The 2022 Qatar World Cup Was Greenwashed: The Swiss Fairness Commission Finds In Favor of Six NGOs Alleging Misleading and Unfair Advertisement by FIFA

On June 7, 2023, the Swiss Fairness Commission (Commission Suisse pour la Loyauté), a non-judicial body competent to receive complaints alleging violations of fairness in commercial communication, found that the International Association Football Federation (FIFA) engaged in misleading and unfair advertising of the 2022 Qatar World Cup. The Commission made […]

Guest Commentary: A new frontier in (Dutch) climate litigation: Greenwashing advertisements on CO2 compensation

By Marlies Hesselman* The first week of July 2022 brought on several major developments in climate litigation in the Netherlands, with possibly significant ramifications for a new type of global climate litigation. After landmark decisions in Urgenda and Shell, plaintiffs are asking a Dutch court to weigh in on a […]