
281 posts

UNEP Publishes Report on the Link between Climate Change and Human Rights

Michael Burger, Executive Director Jessica Wentz, Associate Director and Fellow Today, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) published a report that we co-authored on Climate Change and Human Rights, with forewords from UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner and John Knox, the Independent Expert on Human Rights and Environment. The release […]

Dispatch from the Paris Climate Conference: Illustrating the Challenge of Arriving at a Meaningful Agreement

Justin Gundlach Climate Law Fellow Justin spent the past week at the Paris climate conference working on behalf of the Legal Response Initiative Negotiators at the Paris climate conference have completed a first draft of an agreement, but one that is full of “brackets” – meaning that many of the […]

Failure To Take Climate Action Is Not Only Morally Wrong, It’s Illegal

Michael Burger Executive Director Today marks the official beginning of the long-anticipated 21st Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, in Paris, France. As in the past—Copenhagen in 2009, Kyoto in 1997—hopes are high that government leaders will sign an international agreement that puts the planet on course to avoid […]

Canadian Government Ends Restrictions on Government Scientists’ Public Communications

On November 4, 2015, Justin Trudeau of the Liberal Party was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada. Less than 48 hours later, the new administration announced it was ending restrictions on federal scientists’ public communications.[1] The previous Conservative government, under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, tightly vetted communications from all […]