
289 posts

Changing the National Flood Insurance Program for a Changing Climate: New Article Authored by the Sabin Center and the Natural Resources Defense Council

By Dena Adler Last month the Midwest faced historic floods that devastated rural communities, drowned farms, contaminated water supplies, and resulted in billions of dollars in damages. As climate change exacerbates the risk of these catastrophic flooding events in the Midwest and throughout the U.S., a growing number of citizens […]

The Who, What, and When of “Flexibility” in the Paris Agreement’s Transparency Framework

By Susan Biniaz* In Katowice, Poland, the Parties to the Paris Agreement just adopted the so-called “Paris rulebook,” i.e., the various guidelines and procedures that put meat on the bones of the Agreement’s provisions.  The outcome on “transparency,” which sets forth extensive reporting requirements and review processes, is particularly noteworthy.  […]

International Processes Consider Importance of Climate-Induced Migration and Displacement

By Ama Francis After years of struggling to identify and address the needs of people compelled to move in the context of climate change, the international community is poised to affirmatively recognize the relevance of climate-induced migration and displacement.* Over the next week, world leaders are gathering in Marrakech, Morocco […]