Human Rights

40 posts

Global Perspectives on a Global Pact for the Environment

Edited by Michael Burger (Sabin Center for Climate Change Law), Teresa Parejo (UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network) and Lisa Sachs (Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment). With research and administrative support from Nathan Lobel (Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment). On May 10, 2018, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted Resolution 72/277 […]

Prison Preparedness and Legal Obligations To Protect Prisoners During Natural Disasters

By William Omorogieva* The intensity of recent hurricanes and the damage they have caused in America have garnered lots of national news coverage. After Hurricane Katrina, it became evident how a lack of planning for natural disasters can have dangerous and deadly consequences. However, often hidden from public view is […]

Philippine Commission on Human Rights Conducts First Hearing on the “Carbon Majors” Petition

By Richmund Sta. Lucia On March 27, 2018, the Philippine Commission on Human Rights (CHR) held its first hearingon the petition seeking to hold the “Carbon Majors” accountable for contributing to global emissions of greenhouse gases and the resultant impacts of climate change. The said petition requests the CHR to investigate […]

April 2018 Updates to the Climate Case Charts

Each month, Arnold & Porter and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law collect and summarize developments in climate-related litigation, which we also add to our U.S. and non-U.S. climate litigation charts.  If you know of any cases we have missed, please email us at columbiaclimate at gmail dot com. HERE ARE THE ADDITIONS […]

Colombian Youth Plaintiffs Sue for Recognition of the Rights of Future Generations

Colombian Youth Plaintiffs Sue for Recognition of the Rights of Future Generations By Jose Felix Pinto-Bazurco* On January 29, 2018, a group of 25 children and young adults sued the Colombian government, demanding the protection of their constitutional rights to health, food, water, and a healthy environment. The plaintiffs argue […]

Update on the “Carbon Majors” Petition: the Role of the Philippine Commission on Human Rights

By Richmund Sta. Lucia The world is currently looking with great interest at how the groundbreaking case known as the “Carbon Majors” petition will unfold. On September 22, 2015, Greenpeace Southeast Asia, Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement, and numerous other interest groups filed a petition with the Philippine Commission on Human […]

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights Recognizes a Right to a Healthy Environment in Recent Advisory Opinion

By Jose Felix Pinto-Bazurco* Since its founding in 1979, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (the Court) has issued 24 advisory opinions. Although it has previously recognized the existence of a relationship between environmental protection and the enjoyment of other human rights, it has done so only in relation to […]