Climate Engineering

2 posts

View of Earth taken during ISS Expedition 65, by Astronaut Shane Kimbrough.

Removing Methane from the Atmosphere: New Sabin Report on Atmospheric Methane Destruction via Oxidation Enhancement

A highly potent greenhouse gas, methane makes a significant contribution to climate change, but has historically received relatively little attention in climate mitigation discussions. That is now beginning to change. In addition to investigating new ways to control methane emissions, scientists are also researching the possibility of removing methane already […]

Climate Engineering Research Governance: A New Book Chapter by Mike Burger & Justin Gundlach

by Michael Burger & Justin Gundlach Deliberately attempting to alter the climate, either by removing greenhouse gases (GHGs) from the atmosphere or by reducing the amount of sunlight that hits the earth’s surface, would take humanity into uncharted territory, both in scientific and political terms. Given the precarious state of […]