Greg Wannier

26 posts

Case Update: DC Circuit Denies Motions to Stay GHG Regulations; Grants Coordinated Hearing of Cases

Gregory E. Wannier Deputy Director The DC Circuit issued an order on December 10 with respect to a group of cases challenging four EPA greenhouse gas regulations, responding to petitioners’ motions to coordinate cases, and to stay implementation of EPA’s regulations pending a final decision in the case.  The panel, […]

Ocean Acidification and the Clean Water Act: A New Front for EPA Climate Regulation?

Gregory E. Wannier Deputy Director On November 15, 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a memorandum asking 23 coastal states and five coastal territories (“states”) to seriously consider ocean acidification problems in their future monitoring activities under the Clean Water Act (CWA).  The action brings climate-related activities under the […]

Climate Change Disclosures: Has the SEC Guidance Had an Impact?

Bradford McCormick                                                                                                                                                  Fellow While this post will not attempt to answer the question posed by its title, the Center for Climate Change Law is making it easier for those who want to answer the question themselves. Today we are releasing a catalog [download .xls] of links to and excerpts from […]

How Many Suits Is Too Many? Consolidation and Coordination Possibilities in EPA Climate Litigation

Gregory E. Wannier Deputy Director The landscape of challenges to EPA’s climate change rulemakings is extremely complex.  To manage the multitude of lawsuits, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit may consider consolidation and coordination procedures to combine more than 80 cases into a more manageable […]