In order to achieve the greenhouse gas reductions needed to sustain a livable climate, we must scale up renewable energy capacity at a rapid pace. Wind and solar energy facilities emit no air pollution and have minimal environmental effects as compared to fossil fuel plants, but like all types of development, renewable energy projects do have impacts. However, misinformation sometimes leads those impacts to be misunderstood or exaggerated.

Today the Sabin Center published a resource bank to provide evidence-based and credible information about the impacts of wind and solar energy facilities so that advocates, residents of communities that host renewable energy projects, and other members of the public can reach informed opinions about renewable energy.
The resource bank contains peer-reviewed scientific articles and reports published by governmental agencies and trade organizations, and was compiled by Sabin Center intern Naomi Zimmermann. The resource bank is part of the work of the Renewable Energy Legal Defense Initiative (RELDI). RELDI is a joint effort of the Sabin Center and the law firm of Arnold & Porter to provide pro bono legal assistance to grassroots groups and individuals who support renewable energy facilities in their communities that are facing opposition. Although RELDI supports renewable energy, the resource bank includes studies regardless of whether they tend to support or weaken arguments against renewable energy.
Read more about RELDI here and visit the resource bank here.