Baptiste Mylondo


Baptiste Mylondo is a teacher-researcher in economics and political philosophy. His work mainly focuses on degrowth and the universal income in France.

He is the author most recently of Pour un revenue sans conditions (Éditions Utopia, 2012) and Non au temps plein subi! Plaidoyer pour un droit au temps libéré (with Samuel Michalon et Lilian Robin). In 2004, he cofounded the Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif Alter-Conso, a cooperative based in Vaulx-en-Velin, which distributed local agricultural products. He left the cooperative in 2008 to focus entirely on teaching and research. He taught general economics and social and solitarity economics at l’École supérieure de commerce et développement as well as economic philosophy at l’École centrale Paris. He taught at the lycée Jean Perrine de Lyon for three months preceding the COVID pandemic, and he is currently a professor at  l’Institut d’études politiques de Lyon.