By: Jessica Wentz The Kerry-Lieberman (KL) bill addresses Clean Energy Technology and Jobs in Title IV, Subtitle B, Parts I, III, and IV, §§ 4101 – 4162, starting on page 829. In this Subtitle, the KL bill creates programs for promoting clean energy jobs, mitigating greenhouse emissions through contracts with […]
By Matt Wisnieff The energy efficiency provisions of the Kerry-Lieberman (KL) bill are presented in Title I—“Domestic Clean Energy Development.” The relevant sections are contained within Subtitle D, and Subtitle E, Parts I-III, beginning on page 187. Additionally, parts of Subtitle D amend the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act […]
by Jessica Wentz The Kerry-Lieberman (KL) bill addresses domestic adaptation strategies in Title VI, “Community Protection from Climate Change Impacts”, containing §§ 6001-6011. This title contains provisions for implementing programs to protect the country’s natural resources from the effects of climate change, including creation of a Natural Resources Climate Change […]
By Jessica Wentz The Kerry-Lieberman (KL) bill discusses additional mitigation strategies in Title VII, Subtitle C: “Achieving Fast Mitigation”, including pages 533-618. This subtitle contains provisions for addressing non-CO2 climate forcers, including hydrofluorocarbons (§§ 2201, 619), black carbon (§§ 2211-2214, 805, 795), and methane (§ 2221). It also requires […]
By Matt Wisnieff The Kerry-Lieberman (KL) bill details a plan for United States participation in international climate change efforts in Title V, §§ 5001-5007, which begins on page 893. These provisions recognize that widespread social, political, economic, cultural, and environmental challenges are posed by climate change—particularly to developing countries—that imperil […]
By Matt Wisnieff The consumer protection provisions of the proposed Kerry-Lieberman (“KL”) Senate bill are laid out in Title III, Subtitles A-C of the bill, on page 680. These provisions add substantially to the new Title VII of the Clean Air Act. Subtitle A focuses on aiding consumers through distribution […]
By Jessica Wentz The Kerry-Lieberman bill addresses international competitiveness in Title IV, Subtitle A, covering §§ 771-778 and starting on page 782, entitled “Protecting American Manufacturing Jobs and Preventing Carbon Leakage.” The provisions in this Subtitle amend Title VII of the Clean Air Act, creating two programs to protect American […]
by Bradford McCormick and Hannah Chang The recently-released discussion draft of the Kerry-Lieberman bill (KL), officially titled the American Power Act, contains numerous provisions that affect the role of states in addressing climate change as well as the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority under the Clean Air Act (CAA). Preemption […]