Climate Deregulation

3 posts

UPDATED: The Congressional Review Act’s Threat to Recent Climate Action

As climate advocates prepare for a second Trump administration, the potential threat of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) looms large. The CRA, which allows Congress to void certain rules issued recently by executive agencies, saw unprecedented activity during the first Trump administration and is expected to be similarly invoked in […]

Trump v. The Climate, Round Two: What Four More Years of Trump Might Mean for Climate Regulation

By Daniel J. Metzger and Romany M. Webb Last week Vice President Pence expressed how “very proud” he is of the administration’s environmental record and declared that, if re-elected, President Trump will “take care of our environment and follow the science.” That would be a marked departure from the President’s […]

Local Governments Across the Country File Legal Brief in Support of Maintaining Federal Clean Car Standards

Today, the Sabin Center filed an amicus brief on behalf of local governments in support of state and environmental petitioners in California v. EPA, the lawsuit challenging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s revised determination on the appropriateness of the greenhouse gas emission and fuel economy standards for light-duty vehicles (commonly […]