Domestic Mitigation of Black Carbon

by Hannah Chang Black carbon (“BC”), a component of soot and particulate matter, competes closely with methane as the largest anthropogenic contributor to global warming after carbon dioxide. BC emissions primarily result from four sources: burning of residential fuels such as wood and coal; open burning of land, whether natural or human-induced; diesel […]


by Jessica Wentz The Kerry-Lieberman (KL) bill addresses domestic adaptation strategies in Title VI, “Community Protection from Climate Change Impacts”, containing §§ 6001-6011. This title contains provisions for implementing programs to protect the country’s natural resources from the effects of climate change, including creation of a Natural Resources Climate Change […]

Achieving Fast Mitigation: Comparing KL and WM

By Jessica Wentz   The Kerry-Lieberman (KL) bill discusses additional mitigation strategies in Title VII, Subtitle C: “Achieving Fast Mitigation”, including pages 533-618. This subtitle contains provisions for addressing non-CO2 climate forcers, including hydrofluorocarbons (§§ 2201, 619), black carbon (§§ 2211-2214, 805, 795), and methane (§ 2221). It also requires […]

U.S. Participation in International Climate Efforts in KL and WM

By Matt Wisnieff The Kerry-Lieberman (KL) bill details a plan for United States participation in international climate change efforts in Title V, §§ 5001-5007, which begins on page 893. These provisions recognize that widespread social, political, economic, cultural, and environmental challenges are posed by climate change—particularly to developing countries—that imperil […]