Gregory E. Wannier Deputy Director One result of the 2010 midterm elections was the replacement of several climate-receptive state governors with more skeptical administrations in governor mansions around the country. As a result, the continuation of many state and regional climate activities has been thrown into question. Nowhere is that […]
By Julia Ciardullo Fellow On December 29, 2010, Massachusetts released its Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2020, which sets out an ambitious state-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction target and lays out a framework for how the state will achieve that target. The Plan was released in compliance with […]
by Danielle Sugarman Fellow On December 16, 2010 the California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted 9 to 1 to approve regulations that will establish a cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gases (GHGs) in California. This move marks a significant step in achieving obligations set under CA’s 2006 Global Warming Solutions Act […]
The Colorado Public Utility Commission (CPUC) issued formal written orders on December 15 approving two utilities’ plans, pursuant to a new state clean air law, to shut down a number of coal burning power plants across the state. Under the orders, Xcel Energy, the state’s largest power provider, will decommission […]
Daniel M. Firger Associate Director Foreign companies are buying up U.S. coal mines. In a statement on November 12, the chairman of Coal India Ltd., a state-controlled entity and the world’s largest coal producer, with a near-monopoly on Indian coal mining, confirmed that the firm was in talks with several […]
Michael B. Gerrard Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice Director, Center for Climate Change Law The midterm elections on November 2 yielded significant results at the state level. As readers of this blog are aware, California voters faced a ballot measure called Proposition 23, which would have frozen implementation of […]
Daniel M. Firger Associate Director California voters handily defeated Proposition 23 on election day, ensuring that state regulators can move forward on implementation of A.B. 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Just last week, the California Air Resources Board issued a Proposed Regulation Order establishing a statewide cap-and-trade […]
Daniel M. Firger Associate Director On October 28, 2010 the California Air Resources Board (CARB) released its long-awaited Proposed Regulation to implement a statewide cap-and-trade program, just days before the November 2 referendum on A.B. 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. A.B. 32 forms the basis for sweeping […]