Greg Wannier

26 posts

EPA’s Challenge: Implementing Greenhouse Gas Regulations in the Face of State Hostility

Gregory E. Wannier Deputy Director As discussed previously, EPA has issued a series of four rules designed to initiate regulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) under the Clean Air Act (“underlying regulations”).  As litigation challenging the legality of these regulations moves forward in the DC Circuit, and legislation seeking to limit […]

New Report Highlights Potential for State-Federal Cap and Trade Partnerships under Clean Air Act §111

Gregory E. Wannier Deputy Director CCCL recently released a report detailing options for implementing potential cap and trade regimes through federal-state partnerships under Section 111 of the Clean Air Act (§111).  This report, written jointly with the World Resources Institute, asserts that cap and trade regulations are legally defensible under […]

The Showdown in New Mexico: State Cap-and-Trade Regulations Survive a Hostile Administration

Gregory E. Wannier Deputy Director One result of the 2010 midterm elections was the replacement of several climate-receptive state governors with more skeptical administrations in governor mansions around the country.  As a result, the continuation of many state and regional climate activities has been thrown into question.  Nowhere is that […]