Sabin Center Releases its Summer/Fall 2017 Semi-Annual Report


The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law posted its Summer/Fall 2017 Semi-Annual Report, which includes a summary of the Center’s key activities between June and December 2017.

It is available for download here.

Below are some key highlights from the report:

  • The Center in collaboration with Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP launched a new version of its climate litigation charts at
  • The Center published papers on a variety of topics. Papers include:

“Policy Readiness for Offshore Carbon Dioxide Storage in the Northeast,”

 “Legal Pathways for a Massive Increase in Utility-Scale Renewable Generation Capacity,” 

“The Price of Climate Deregulation: Adding Up the Costs and Benefits of Federal Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards”  

  • The Center submitted comments to numerous agencies, including the EPA, FERC and the Bureau of Land Management.
  • The Center sponsored 5 events, which can be viewed on our youtube channel.
  • The Center received several prominent awards and recognition, including a “Distinguished Achievement in Environmental Law and Policy Award” from the American Bar Association and a “Defender of Science” Award from the Climate Legal Defense Fund, honoring Michael Gerrard.


To learn more about our nine project areas (The Clean Air Act, Environmental Assessment, Energy Law, Adaptation, Securities and Climate Finance, Natural Resources, Human Rights, International and Foreign Law, and Threatened Island Nations), our Climate Law Blog, and numerous media and news items in which Michael Gerrard, Michael Burger and Sabin Center fellows were interviewed, quoted or mentioned, read the report here. 
